どうなん海道サイクルルート Dounan kaidou cycle route
ルート全長: Distance: 459km
地図を読み込んでいます。 loading a map.
目的アイコン Destination
道の駅 Roadside Station
公衆トイレ Public lavatory
食事・喫茶 Restaurant/café
休憩施設 Rest facilities
レンタサイクル Bicycle rentals
自転車修理 Bicycle repairs
空気入れ・修理工具の貸出 Bicycle pump/repair tool lending
ビューポイント Scenic spot
トンネル・橋 Tunnel/bridge
宿泊施設 Accommodations
どうなん海道サイクルルート 東ルート どうなん海道サイクルルート 東ルート Ride with GPSで表示Ride with GPS to check
どうなん海道サイクルルート 西ルート どうなん海道サイクルルート 西ルート Ride with GPSで表示Ride with GPS to check
どうなん海道サイクルルート 奥尻ルート どうなん海道サイクルルート 奥尻ルート Ride with GPSで表示Ride with GPS to check
日付 10月23日(水) 10月24日(木) 10月25日(金) 10月26日(土) 10月27日(日)
気温(℃) 17 / 19 12 / 16 9 / 16 10 / 17 9 / 14
降水量(mm) 39 1 - - -
降雪量(mm) - - - - -
風速(m/s) 2 8 5 6 3
風向き 西 西 西
Data from OpenWeatherMap
Weather for hakodate city
Date 10.23 (Wed) 10.24 (Thu) 10.25 (Fri) 10.26 (Sat) 10.27 (Sun)
Temperature (℃) 17 / 19 12 / 16 9 / 16 10 / 17 9 / 14
Rainfall (mm) 39 1 - - -
Snowfall (mm) - - - - -
Wind velocity (m/s) 2 8 5 6 3
Wind direction South West West West East
Data from OpenWeatherMap

サイクリスト 総合評価Overall evaluation by cyclists

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              1. 口コミ投稿では、他人が読んで不快に感じる文章や表現はご遠慮下さい。
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              10. Please be careful not to violate the privacy of any third parties.


              [Site administrator policy]


              This website has been set up with the purposes of promoting cycling tourism in Hokkaido and allowing users to exchange opinions on the users’ own responsibility. Users are free to post comments, in principle. However, any comment deemed inappropriate by the Site Administrator (e.g., harassment or defamation of an individual, company or organization, an otherwise objectionable comment, or personal information) may be deleted by the Administrator without the poster being notified, or depending on the content, without advance notice being given. By posting on the website, you shall be deemed to have agreed to its terms and conditions for posting.


              Attention: Users of levee and riverbank roads


              The levee and riverbank roads on each route were not built as cycling paths. River administrators maintain these roads for disaster prevention and river management. There are many users other than cyclists, including official vehicles. Therefore, some roads on the route may have potholes or barricades for cars. If you cycle on these roads, please pay attention to the road and to pedestrians.